Dance Physiotherapy at InnerStrength of Bayside

Dancing is a popular physical activity that many people choose both recreationally and professionally. However, the nature of dancing may predispose one to injuries from time to time.

At InnerStrength of Bayside our Physiotherapist Lucy McPhate has the experience and expertise required to help you achieve your dance goals. This may include:

  • Assessment and modification of dance technique
  • Assessment and modification of load (in and out of formal dance classes)
  • Prescription of exercises for strength and flexibility
  • Clinical Pilates
  • A full written report provided to your dance teacher

Our studio includes a ballet barre, mirrors and state of the art Clinical Pilates equipment

All our physiotherapists are trained in the DMA (Dance Medicine Australia) model of Clinical Pilates. This model was developed by former dancers at the Australian Ballet.


Pre-pointe assessmentsBallett

Transitioning from dancing in soft ballet shoes to en pointe (dancing on the tips of the toes) is an exciting time for any young ballet dancer. However, it is important to note that this style of dance is physically demanding and may result in injury if the dancer is not properly prepared. It is vital that one is at the right stage of development, physically, emotionally and technically in order to begin this next stage of training. Your dance teacher may recommend a pre-pointe assessment from a physiotherapist prior to dancing en pointe.

The following are assessed:

  • Physical development and timing of growth spurt
  • Past history and management of injuries
  • Posture
  • Flexibility in back, hips and ankles
  • Core strength
  • Strength of ankles and turnout
  • Commitment to dancing and maturity


Here at InnerStrength, your physiotherapist may also prescribe exercises to help you meet your goals, and will provide a full written report for you and your dance teacher.

For more information, or to book an appointment with Lucy McPhate, please call us on 8555 4099 today.