How is sitting affecting your health?

Many of us have jobs that require us to sit at our desks for a prolonged period of time, fixated on the work at hand. Sitting for an extended period of time can increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It also can cause back pain and one’s metabolism to slow down, affecting the break down of fat and the regulation of blood pressure and blood sugar.

Though many of us are still required to be at a desk to complete our work, there are ways to keep our bodies from staying still in a certain position for hours on end, including:

  • Taking the active option:
    • Walking or riding to work is a great way to make sure you ou get your exercise in
    • Commuting to work via some physical activity ensures you complete your daily exercise and is a much more efficient use of your time
    • Also consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to a colleagues desk rather than emailing or even taking a moment to do a few stretches will really enhance your overall wellbeing.
  • Good posture:
    • Posture can become a problem when looking down at a laptop or slouching in a chair. To fix this consider getting a monitor and typing on a separate keyboard so you can decrease the stress of your neck muscles. Having a supportive chair that is adjusted to your height and your desk will also encourage a better position.
  • Consider investing in, or asking your employer about, a sit-to-stand desk:
    • Standing desks have impressive benefits to one’s health as standing is a much more active
      option. By having an interchanging desk, you can switch it up every half an hour so you are not maintaining the same posture for the whole day.

Overall it is extremely important that we prioritise our health while on the job. Increasing your exercise and being more healthy overall will actually improve your work as it
reduces stress, anxiety and increases productivity.

If you or a work colleague are experiencing pain in or out of the office, click here to book an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists online, or call us on 8555 4099.


Written by Hannah (Work Experience Student) & Meg Doyle (Physiotherapist)